Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good & acceptable & pleasing.
-Romans 12:2


Servants’ Feast Christian Ministry aspires to proclaim Christ to anyone who is interested and to do so with grace and reason, with gratitude and intelligence. Originally incorporated in 2006 as a vehicle for distributing the writing and teaching of Rev. Elizabeth Moreau when her health failed, the non-profit ministry sought to help Christians “be transformed by the renewing of the mind,” foremost through fellowship and communion with God in Christ Jesus. How we think, what we see, why we interpret lives and events, all are transfigured through the lens of the Gospel. Thus, the vision of SFCM from the outset was helping Christians know God by equipping them to love, think, and act with the mind of Christ.

To that end, Elizabeth wrote several independent studies for churches across southeast Texas which eventually came together in an enhanced curriculum for the local church. The studies formed an adult discipling journey leading Christians into greater knowledge of God and stronger commitment to living obedience. This adult catechism was a three-year pilgrimage delving into discipleship through a six-book, two-retreat experience for laity in the twenty-first century. Known as From Called to Sent, the curriculum replicated the biblical pattern of following Jesus as His disciple until ready to be sent into the world in His name to reach and to love the least and the lost.

The studies, which are focused on knowledge that leads to knowing God are as follows:

I’m Saved, So What? (the meaning of salvation)
I Believe… Something! (what Christian belief actually is)
Pray, Then, In This Way (how to enter into the presence of God in prayer)
The Will of the Father (survey of needed ministries today)
Sufficient Grace (tools for shaping the heart and mind to receive Christ more fully)
From Glory into Glory (introduction to various means of Christian maturation)

Following Covid lockdowns and the scattering of the Christian Body, Servants’ Feast took yet another turn, now striving to call Christians to greater hope and stronger faith in the midst of turbulent times. For so long, this nation and Christianity went hand in hand, giving patriotism the sheen of Christian faithfulness. As the nation as turned away from Christian belief, many of us find ourselves struggling to recover our identity as Christians in a hostile environment. Here at Servants’ Feast, we have no plans to give up the Gospel, for it is our salvation. Christ is still the King of kings, and we are still the children of the Most High God.

As we move to the format of Substack, we at Servants’ Feast are committed to proclaiming Christ confidently and winsomely, knowing that He reigns and is still the hope of the world. Elizabeth’s work has moved from the website format to We hope you will join us as we continue to follow Jesus Christ wherever He leads.